Automated analytics system for small scale fisheries in Timor-Leste

Peskas is an open-source web portal that provides data and insights on fisheries in Timor-Leste. The platform uses catch data collected by local enumerators and vessel tracking data to show fishing trends over time and space. The project was initiated in 2016 in partnership with the Timor-Leste Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and has been funded by various organizations. Peskas is a near-real-time monitoring system that is low-cost and open-access, with a focus on small-scale fisheries. Its application in fisheries research and management has been documented in several publications.

Fishing Activity Heatmap

Visualizing fishing vessel density in Timor-Leste waters

Low Density High Density
Gear Types:
Time Range:
Radius (meters):

Click on a hexagon to view detailed fishing activity information.

Estimated revenue

Revenue rate per habitat and gear type

Each box represents the average hourly revenue for an individual fisherman for each habitat and gear type.

Annual summary

About the data

These estimates have not been thoroughly validated and might be inaccurate. There is some uncertainty on all data used in the calculations. Estimates, even from previous years, may be updated whenever new data is available. Indicators only include data from artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Indicator information

Price per Kg

Catch preservation practices

Distribution of fish storage methods on boats across Timor-Leste municipalities

Annual summary

About the data

These estimates have not been thoroughly validated and might be inaccurate. There is some uncertainty on all data used in the calculations. Estimates, even from previous years, may be updated whenever new data is available. Indicators only include data from artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Indicator information

Estimated catch

Catch rate per habitat and gear type

Each box represents the average hourly catch for an individual fisherman for each habitat and gear type.

Annual summary

About the data

These estimates have not been thoroughly validated and might be inaccurate. There is some uncertainty on all data used in the calculations. Estimates, even from previous years, may be updated whenever new data is available. Indicators only include data from artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Indicator information

Relative composition

Total catch

About the data

These estimates have not been thoroughly validated and might be inaccurate. There is some uncertainty on all data used in the calculations. Estimates, even from previous years, may be updated whenever new data is available. Indicators only include data from artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Indicator information

Number of people meeting the daily intake recommendation

Nutrients intake by average catch

Every box shows the count of people meeting the daily intake recommendation from an average catch in Timor-Leste.

Habitats' nutrient intake from 1 Kg of catch description: Every box shows the count of people meeting the daily intake recommendation from 1 Kg of catch in each habitat for each nutrient.

About the data

These estimates have not been thoroughly validated and might be inaccurate. There is some uncertainty on all data used in the calculations. Estimates, even from previous years, may be updated whenever new data is available. Indicators only include data from artisanal and subsistence fisheries.

Indicator information